This 80% wool blanket is a replica of the classic design many of us are familiar with. This Bay Point replica design is made with a very fine weave which makes it soft and supple. Measuring 84” long by 60” wide it will provide warmth and comfort on the trail, in camp, in your car or at your house. At about 3.8 pounds this blanket has great quality and durability.
PREUSE PREPARATION: Your Bay Point Replica blanket is 80% wool. It needs a little love from you to be the best blanket it can be in the field and last you a lifetime. To properly prep the blanket it needs to be washed and dried using a very specific process. This process will slightly shrink the fibers and felt them to one another. This will lock the stands of the weave together making the blanket stronger and trail ready. This process also fluffs the weave of the blanket permanently so it can provide the best level of warmth on the coldest night afield.
PREPARATION PROCESS: First, wash the blanket in warm water on gentle cycle using a mild laundry soap like Dreft or Woolite. Second, dry the blanket in the dryer on the lowest setting possible that still uses heat. Third, wash the blanket a second time in warm water on gentle cycle without soap. Lastly, line dry the blanket. It is now ready for use.
REGULAR LAUNDERING: Routine laundering of your blanket after it has been initially prepped is simple. Wash the blanket in mild soap like Dreft or Woolite on the gentle cycle in cold water. Then, line dry the blanket.